File  ID : 38


ポリゴンオブジェクトを曲げるポリゴンスクリプトです。~/ライブラリ/Application Support/Cheetah3D/scripts/Polygonobj フォルダーに、スクリプトファイルをコピーし、Cheetah3D を起動して下さい。

20100329: UPDATE.

this is a polygon script for bending an object. please place it into ~/Library/Application Support/Cheetah3D/scripts/Polygonobj folder, and relaunch the Cheetah3D application before using this script.

20100329: UPDATE.

original code for AS3, . special thanks to the author of these useful code. :) ( application/zip : 3 KB)

MD5 : ef36d85a861fde154e50172314ddce0b

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for my scripts.