Jul 04, 2006

One Hundred Bars.

100 bars (h.264 10.1MB)

Modeling & Rendering: Cheetah3D 3.3

Ring で並べて、回転させただけなんだけれど、まぁ何となく不思議な形になったのであげてみた。ちょっと長めのムービーです。


Re: One Hundred Bars.

Beautifully made. Very impressive. Guessing you write your own script for that purpose.

With kindest regards

From : Frank @ 2007-06-22 01:35:27 Edit

Re: One Hundred Bars.

Hi, thank you for comment.

actually I didn't use a script in this movie. just only Chain Creator, Box, and nEdge with animating dH, dP, dB value of Chain, and nEdge rotation. that's it. (Wink)

I think, we can make some interesting movie so easily with combining Parametric Object, Creator, Modifier, and custom scripts. (Smile)



From : tg @ 2007-06-22 11:14:04 Edit

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