Jul 15, 2006

a Room, 2 (WIP)

植物をおいてみた。作成は arbaro で。


Modeling: Cheetah3D 3.3 + arbaro Rendering: Cheetah3D 3.3


Re: a Room, 2 (WIP)

Very nice!! Did you also try to put arealights in front of your window? It gives a nice daylight in your room!

My new trick is not to use HDRI, but a sphere with a solid material. I use a sky jpeg for the texture. This gives more control over your sky and the illumination of interiors is much better than with an HDRI.
You can download a sample scene here. http://www.peer.fiberworld.nl/3D/TG-Room.zip



From : Peter @ 2006-07-17 02:38:39 Edit

Re: a Room, 2 (WIP)

thanks for comment and giving a idea.
I checked your file. it is so practical.
I will try re-render my scene with your tips. thanks again.

From : tg @ 2006-07-18 19:55:34 Edit

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